Postechian Column: Encircle the Earth: One Revolution
Postechian Column: Encircle the Earth: One Revolution
  • Yoon Ju-hwan (PHYS 21)
  • 승인 2024.05.22 10:58
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Yoon Ju-hwan (PHYS 21)
Yoon Ju-hwan (PHYS 21)

  The Spring that I had never expected in this land has finally arrived now, and sunshine rather than a gloomy sky features throughout the day. The landscape is filled with buildings that have no preponderance of aesthetics of slowness that; Something that I never experienced so far. And the coexistence of the park where chirping birds are and strongly packed in vigorous crowds. The country that includes all things herein is Denmark, and it has been more than three months since I arrived. I was truly busy processing a bunch of duties like residence permit, bank account opening, and joining various events; but I realized that three months have already passed. Like my friends said, “Time flies”. During this period, I experienced significant and minor changes, and became accustomed to life here.

  Before I stayed in Denmark, I flew to a mid-spot between Korea and Denmark: that is America. I visited CES 2024 in Nevada, but traveled across the U.S. before and after that the convention itself. I felt that I surely began my 2024 abroad while greeting the new year in the U.S. I had already experienced the U.S. before but visiting as an adult again was a fairly different experience and I could see and feel much more. It was the epitome of diversity, showcasing a wide range of people and vistas wherever I went. My trip reached its peak at CES, where modern technologies mustered all in one place. I was curious about how they attract people from all around the world to this nation and impressed by the almightiness thereof. While exposed to the vanguard of tech, meeting and chatting with lots of people, I was provided a new viewpoint of how the world is changing and will how it will flow onwards.

  The U.S. was a stopover on the way to my ultimate destination, nevertheless I cultivated a series of fruits for my life there, and accumulated unforgettable memories that made it worth paying the insane costs of the travel. 

  I finally landed in the Nordic region after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, and it gave me another impression - a quiet ambiance, quite dissimilar from New York that had often reminded me of Korea. However, the college experience was set apart from the normal semesters I had had. I had a multitude of chances of to meet other foreign students and talk a lot about each country. There were so many students from different countries that I had not known, yet I ended up ranging over the information. Comparing one to another was an alluring moment. The people and cultures of each country are very diverse, but there are also many similarities – much more than I thought. Suddenly, it seemed like the world was not so wide, and borders were demolished in my mind.

  When I go back to Korea, my trajectory draws one circle around the globe.