The Sunrise Festival Sparks Community Spirit and Joy
The Sunrise Festival Sparks Community Spirit and Joy
  • Reporter Kim Jin-Seong
  • 승인 2024.05.22 15:37
  • 댓글 0
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▲Ailee performing at the 2024 Sunrise Festival
▲Ailee performing at the 2024 Sunrise Festival

  The annual Sunrise Festival, one of Postechians’ most beloved Spring events, was an exciting blend of tradition and innovation, running from May 9 to 10 in front of the 78 Stairs. The 2024 Sunrise Festival was special, marking a significant milestone for the festival that has grown from a scaled-back Culture Days, due to the pandemic, into a much larger festival. The theme of the 2024 Sunrise Festival Organization Committee was “Spark”. As the festival approached, the Sunrise Festival Organization Committee introduced new entertainment, and Postechians looked forward to experiencing the spirit of the POSTECH community.

  On the verdant campus in front of the Jigok Community Center, the fresh, festive air was filled with the sounds of booth operation from the beginning. Student organizations, clubs, and other sponsors prepared booths, elevating the variety of offerings. Far from repeating the same old patterns, new themes like the Culture Muncher, where people shared food from various cultures, surprised the crowd. For instance, students from South Asia presented Mutton Biryani, a delicious dish made with meat, spices, and yogurt. Interactive events such as Escape Room were also a hit among Postechians

  Like every other annual festival over the past 20 years at POSTECH, the night pubs of the 2024 Sunrise Festival embraced tradition, where the university family members came together to enjoy lively drinks and conversations. The crisp and refreshing air of the early summer evening brought delight to all - from undergraduates and graduate students to professors and participants of the Apple Developer Academy.

  The Student Clubs fired up the festival spirit, keeping it alive and exciting. About ten student bands drew in a wide audience. The second-day performance started with the King of Mask Singer in POSTECH, followed by POSKING, where Postechians sang, danced, rapped, and played musical instruments. The festival spirit peaked during Ailee’s performance, accompanied by a stunning fireworks display that lit up the night sky above the POSTECH campus grounds. 

  The 2024 Sunrise Festival was not just a successful event but an opportunity to enjoy a collective sense of belonging and bonding, setting a high standard for the coming years and leaving an indelible mark on Postechians.

  Although the community members always have a good time at the Sunrise Festival, the festival seems like a somewhat unyielding tradition, exclusive to the small circle of Postechians. Year after year, the Sunrise Festival Organization Committee refuses to change the location and the relatively small scale of the festival. At Korea’s top university, POSTECH, Postechians consistently study hard. However, continuously studying without breaks can be challenging, and it is essential to unwind and have fun. Festivals at POSTECH can be enhanced by inviting more celebrities and scaling up, making POSTECH the place for students to excel academically while enjoying the best entertainment.