POSTECH Professors Distinguish Themselves
POSTECH Professors Distinguish Themselves
  • Reporter Choi Jong-hyeok
  • 승인 2016.02.19 18:11
  • 댓글 0
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Recently, POSTECH professors received awards from several organizations. Professor Rho Jun Suk (ME) received the Young Optical Science Prize awarded by the Optical Society of Korea at the regular meeting and winter symposium. The prize is only awarded to a person under 35 who has potential and excellent achievement.
Prof. Min Seung Ki (SEE) received an award from the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. He has researched  weather change, heat wave, heavy rain, etc. caused by global warming. This research has become the basis of national climate change policy..
Lastly, Prof. Han Bo Hyung (CSE) and Nam Hyeon Seob (CSE M.S.) were officially recognized at the International Conference on Computer Vision, which is one of the most prestigious international societies of computer vision and pattern cognition. At the algorithm competition VOT Challenge they proved they are the first class.