Shared Electric Kickboards: The Outlaws of Campus Roads
Shared Electric Kickboards: The Outlaws of Campus Roads
  • Reporter Kim Yu-jin
  • 승인 2024.04.22 17:21
  • 댓글 0
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▲Shared electric kickboard and graph of medical cases of Postechians(from left)
▲Shared electric kickboard and graph of medical cases of Postechians(from left)

  Shared electric kickboards, easily seen all around the campus ground, are now an inseparable part of Postechians’ daily lives. It saves you time, energy, and sometimes your attendance score. Exactly when these electric kickboards were installed on campus is unknown, but they were likely introduced around the Fall semester of 2020, gradually becoming an integral part of campus life. However, issues such as improper parking, reckless driving, and safety concerns have emerged among the members of POSTECH, prompting the need for proactive measures to mitigate these problems.

  Improper parking of shared electric kickboards is among the most abundant issues. They are often left unattended, blocking the way of Postechians on their way to lectures. But pedestrians are not the only ones suffering from the parking problem. Vehicles navigating the campus are having trouble driving with electric kickboards parked in the most absurd places. POSTECH has made efforts to address this issue, including designated parking spaces and frequent patrols. Many Postechians are also aware of this problem and are actively participating in reporting these electric kickboards and criticizing the users who do not park their electric kickboards properly. Participation and efforts of the users are crucial for a lasting solution.

  The reckless driving of electric kickboards also presents significant challenges. Wrong-way driving and speeding on slopes are making both pedestrians and drivers uneasy while navigating throughout the campus. According to the Road Traffic Act, personal mobilities (PM) such as electrical kickboards are prohibited on sidewalks. When in driveways, they must be driven on the right edge of the road. The driver must also wear a helmet and according to campus law, the driver must adhere to the campus speed limit, of 20km/h. These measures are often neglected, but to ensure the safety of all individuals on campus, everybody must take responsibility for the campus environment.

  Furthermore, the safety of the users is the most serious matter that is often overlooked. Users have been injured while using shared electrical kickboards, and many of them have been hospitalized. The rise in the percentage of surgical care and emergency room care cases during the fall semester of 2020 to 2021 aligns with a significant increase in electric kickboard usage on campus, as noted by the General Affairs and Safety team’s post on the POVIS bulletin board saying that “The usage of electric kickboard has recently been increased significantly compared to before” This correlation underscores the need to address safety concerns associated with kickboard usage promptly.

  While shared electric kickboards offer undeniable benefits in terms of convenience and accessibility, their integration into campus life must be accompanied by proper measures and diligent efforts to address associated challenges. By fostering a culture of responsible usage and mutual consideration among Postechians, the campus community can collectively work towards ensuring the safe and sustainable implementation of electric kickboards as a mode of transportation.