Fruition from Autumn Academic Conferences
Fruition from Autumn Academic Conferences
  • Reporter Park Seokyung
  • 승인 2012.11.21 23:17
  • 댓글 0
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Members of POSTECH have consecu-tively won prizes from autumn academic conferences. Professor Heecheon You (IME) won the grand prize of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers autumn conference by successfully developing and commercializing “Smart Harmony,” which can develop senior’s social, physical, emotional and cognitive ability. The team of Prof. Kwangsoo Kim (IME) won the participation prize in the same conference with a paper on ways to vitalize industry convergence.
In the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials conference, Prof. Jong-lam Lee (MSE) won the most-advanced material prize by his contribution and outstanding result. Donghyun Ahn and Eunyu Yoon (MSE, Ph.D. candidate, advisor Prof. Hyoung-Seop Kim) won excellent poster paper award.
Additionally, Dongjun Lee (MSE, Ph.D. candidate, advisor Prof. Hyoung-Seop Kim) won Changsung talent prize. Seunghui Lee (MSE, Ph.D. candidate, advisor Prof. Jong-Kyu Kim) won the best poster paper award in the International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials held by the Austrian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology.