POSTECH Fellows and Lee Won-Kook Chair Professor Selected
POSTECH Fellows and Lee Won-Kook Chair Professor Selected
  • Reporter Lee Sang-min
  • 승인 2010.09.22 01:48
  • 댓글 0
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Prof. Sang Joon Lee

Prof. Moonhor Ree

Prof. Kyo Chul Kang

Prof. Minhyung Kim







POSTECH announced the new selection of POSTECH Fellow and Lee Won-Kook ChairProfessors and held an inaugural ceremony on Sep. 7 at the POSCO International Center (POSTECH Fellow) and Sep. 8 at Mathematical Science Building (Lee Won-Kook Chair Professor). Prof. Kyo Chul Kang (Computer Science Engineering), Prof. Moonhor Ree (Chemistry), and Prof. Sang Joon Lee (Mechanical Engineering) were selected for POSTECH Fellowship, founded for the activation of research and enhancement of standards. In addition, Prof. Minhyung Kim (Mathematics) was chosen as the first Lee Won-Kook Chair Professor, which honors a donation of the late Mr. Lee Won-kook, once CEO of the Daewon Corporation.

POSTECH Fellowship, first launched in March, 2009, guarantees an extended age of retirement, additional Ph.Ds and labs, and a bonus. Until now, three professors have been selected. This time, three new professors were selected for their results in their fields: Prof. Kyo Chul Kang for Software Engineering, Prof. Moonhor Ree for Polymer Chemistry and Nanotechnology, and Prof. Sang Joon Lee for Bio-fluids.

In the long term, POSTECH is planning to encourage the research of excellent professors with bonuses and extended retirement through systems like POSTECH Fellows and the Lee Won-Kook Chair Professor.