Unmanned Storage System Installed
Unmanned Storage System Installed
  • Reporter Lee Sang-min
  • 승인 2010.06.09 16:38
  • 댓글 0
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▲ Unmanned Storage Boxes
From now on, Postechians do not need to receive packages right away when postmen come. An unmanned parcel storage system composed of 460 mailboxes has been installed on campus.    It is planned to be operated within June. Additional notice will be announced. In this way, members and visitors can get packages around the clock without any worry of being robbed. Moreover, the mailboxes can be used as lockers, and such services like SMS notice are offered.

To be easily contacted, storage boxes have been installed in seven sites, the Residential College, the Jigok Community Center, the Student Union Building, Science Building One, the Tae-Joon Park Digital Library, the LG Cooperative Electronic Engineering Building, and the Laboratories Building. To promote circulation, ₩500 per a day is charged as a fee for both personal and package storage use. Via the new installation of this storage system, the development in storage etiquette and budget savings from the prevention of decrement of unit cost are expected.

The current investment is one of the update/upgrade plans of the ID card system on campus. Because equipment can become deteriorated and discontinued, POSTECH pushes forward with an overall plan, including not only such access controls like entrance, attendance and payment using ID cards, but a mobile ID card system and essential support systems along overall campus like server maintenance and fire  surveillance. The most understandable change by the plan is the replacement of ID card readers on the doors of POSTECH buildings.