New Software Distribution Policy
New Software Distribution Policy
  • Park Seo-Kyung
  • 승인 2012.09.05 20:31
  • 댓글 0
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Information Technology Service Team (ITST) decided to unify the distribution method of the university-purchased software to HEMOS (, from using HEMOS and iDisk.
Originally, software over 2GB in size has been distributed through software distribution club of iDisk, because of technological issue about downloading and uploading on HEMOS. However, as using iDisk is inconvenient, as it is required to register and receive approval to use the club, ITST unified availability to HEMOS only.
Users can now download and use all kinds of software that POSTECH distributes through one route. This should greatly improve users’ convenience. The service of software distribution club at iDisk will be terminated as of Sep. 1.