Near-field electrical detection of optical plasmons and signle-plasmon sources
Near-field electrical detection of optical plasmons and signle-plasmon sources
  • .
  • 승인 2009.09.02 11:01
  • 댓글 0
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Affiliation : Harvard Univ. and POSTECH

PIs : Prof. Hongkun Park and Moon-Ho Jo




A joint research team between Prof. Hongkun Park at Harvard Univ. and Prof. Moon-Ho JO at POSTECH reported their work on near-field electrical detection of signle-plasmons using semiconductor nanowires in a recent volume of Nature Physics.


A joint research team between Prof. Hongkun Park at Harvard Univ. and Prof. Moon-Ho JO at POSTECH reported their work on near-field electrical detection of signle-plasmons using semiconductor nanowires in a recent volume of Nature Physics.

A joint research team between Prof. Hongkun Park at Harvard Univ. and Prof. Moon-Ho JO at POSTECH reported their work on near-field electrical detection of signle-plasmons using semiconductor nanowires in a recent volume of Nature Physics.


A joint research team between Prof. Hongkun Park at Harvard Univ. and Prof. Moon-Ho JO at POSTECH reported their work on near-field electrical detection of signle-plasmons using semiconductor nanowires in a recent volume of Nature Physics.

Photonic circuits can be much faster than their electronic counterparts, but they are difficult to miniaturize below the optical wavelength scale. Nanoscale photonic circuits based on surface plasmon polaritons(SPPs) are a promising solution to this problem because they can localize light below the diffraction limit1-8. In this work, the joint team demostrated a new all-electrical SPP detection technique based on the near-field coupling between Ag nanowires for guided plasmons and a Ge nanowire field-effect transistor.

These results may enable new on-chip optical sensing applications and are a key step towards optoplasmonic nanocircuits in which SPPs can be generated, manipulated and detected without involving far-field radiation.