PKSW Eve Festival: Igniting the Spirit of Unity and Passion
PKSW Eve Festival: Igniting the Spirit of Unity and Passion
  • Reporter Lee Jin-ho
  • 승인 2023.09.27 07:10
  • 댓글 0
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▲CHEERO performing at PKSW eve festival
▲CHEERO performing at PKSW eve festival

  On Sept. 21, POSTECH hosted a spectacular eve festival event in commemoration of the impending POSTECH-KAIST Science War (PKSW). Organized by a dedicated student council, the event drew together a diverse group of Postechians, including the supporters, marking the beginning of a grand celebration that resonated throughout the campus. Under a sea of crimson enthusiasm, they came together raising their voices in anticipation of victory in the PKSW.
  The eve festival was a vibrant tapestry of sports and artistic activities, with a special emphasis on showcasing the talents of the dedicated athletes. Each athlete was introduced with an unwavering display of confidence and determination, vowing to demonstrate the results of their year-long preparations. In response, the students in attendance erupted in cheers, passing on their fervor to the CHEERO cheerleading squad, who further ignited the event. Their precise and intricate movements, coupled with rich expressions, left the audience awestruck, demonstrating remarkable growth compared to previous years. Spectators were particularly impressed by the performances of the new recruits, who, in a short period, exhibited significant improvement and delivered outstanding shows.
  Adding an extra dose of excitement to the festivities, the music club Bremen sang popular songs, including Imagine Dragons’ “Warriors.” Their performance not only bolstered the spirits of the crimson warriors but also created an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie. Clubs including Ctrl-D also emphasized unity, leaving a lasting impression on the audience and eliciting heartfelt emotions that made hearts race.
  In essence, the significance of the eve festival goes beyond its immediate celebrations, as it symbolizes a collective commitment to success and unwavering passion for the impending PKSW. It serves as a powerful reminder that victories are not solely determined by the outcomes of competitions, but also by the relentless dedication, unity, and indomitable spirit of the POSTECH community. As the crimson warriors prepare to face their rivals in the PKSW, it is this very spirit and passion that will carry them forward, ensuring that they emerge not only as champions but as exemplars of the remarkable synergy that defines POSTECH.
  In conclusion, the PKSW eve festival was an exhilarating and unifying event that brought the entire campus community together. It showcased the dedication, talent, and spirit of the students, both in sports and the arts, creating an atmosphere of excitement and camaraderie. The event not only celebrated the impending PKSW but also served as a testament to the growth and development of the participants, providing them with a platform to shine and inspire others. It encapsulated the essence of what make POSTECH unique—a vibrant and dynamic spirit, an unwavering passion, and a commitment to excellence.