기사 (1건) 리스트형 웹진형 타일형 A Peek Into the Quantum World Through Solid State Spectroscopy A Peek Into the Quantum World Through Solid State Spectroscopy About our lab “Solid State Spectroscopy” Our lab studies “quantum” materials in solid phases where atoms form a well-defined periodic array that defines the symmetry of the “universe” inhabited by a multitude of electrons. Each material has its own universe, with electrons organizing themselves in complex, often unpredictable ways. Our main goal is to understand the collective behavior of electrons, which can differ significantly from isolated electron behavior. Occasionally, new (quasi)particles “emerge” with properties distinct from the constituent electrons. For example, an emergent particl Opinion | Professor Bumjoon Kim (PHYS) | 2024-06-12 15:21 처음처음1끝끝