On April 27, the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit was held in Panmunjom, the Peace House. It was a delightful surprise for the Korean Peninsula, being only the third summit ever held. Previously, in 2000 and 2007, Kim Dae-jung, the 15th president of South Korea (S. Korea), and Roh Moo-hyun, the 16th president of S. Korea participated in the Inter-Korean Summit. In 2000, the first Inter-Korean Summit was held in Pyeongyang from June 13 to 15. Kim Dae-jung, the 15th president of S. Korea and Kim Jong-il, North Korea’s (N. Korea) Chairman of the National Defense Commission participated, adopting the <June 15 South-North Joint Declaration>.The two leaders agreed to put forth efforts into reuniting separated families and to have more active economic, social, and cultural exchanges. During Oct. 2 to 4, 2007, the second Inter-Korean Summit was held in Pyeongyang. Roh Moo-hyun, the 16th president of S. Korea and Kim Jung-il met, and adopted the <October 4 Declaration>, containing detailed measures of the <June 15 South-North Joint Declaration>.
After a gap of 11 years, the third Inter-Korean Summit was held last April. On March 6, Chung Eui-yong, the head envoy director announced the results after visiting N. Korea. This included very encouraging news, including the agreement of holding the Inter-Korean Summit at the Peace House of Panmunjom. In addition, the agreement of installing a telephone hotline, a commitment to denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, and a willingness to engage in communications with the United States of America were delivered.
On April 27, the historical 2018 Inter-Korean Summit took place at the Peace House. It was the first time for the head of N. Korea to step on S. Korean territory, passing the military demarcation line. Moon Jae-in, president of S. Korea and Kim Jong-un, N. Korea’s Chairman of the State Affairs Committee met at 9:30 A.M. at the military demarcation line, shook hands, and Kim Jong-un crossed the line, over to the south. After taking pictures, the two heads of Korea stepped over to the north for a moment, which was not in the plan, leaving a significant symbol of peace. The summit was held for the whole day, including dialogues and banquets. ‘Extraordinary’ would be a proper word to describe this summit. One factor was the ‘bench dialogue’. The two heads of each Korea had a walk by themselves on the ‘Foot bridge’, sat on a bench and had a private conversation. In addition, the two announced the joint agreement <Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula> together, outside of the peace house, which was unexpected. Some remarkable details are as follows:
After 65 years of the Armistice Agreement, the two Koreas have agreed to stop the war during this year and participate in a conference with related countries.
Both Koreas have found the need for denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, and will cooperate with each other to achieve this goal. The two Koreas also agreed to put forth an effort to gain the support of the international community for denuclearization.
Kim Jong-un, Head of N. Korea mentioned, “It took 11 years to come to this place, and as I walked over here, I wondered why it took so long”. This statement connotes the tragedy within our history. People are hoping this can be an optimistic new start for the Korean peninsula’s future, a step forward to peace.
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