Sunrise Festival: What was it like?
Sunrise Festival: What was it like?
  • Reporter Chung Sung-joon
  • 승인 2014.06.04 13:17
  • 댓글 0

After every mid-term examination of the first semester, Postechians look forward to the Sunrise Festival, especially freshmen who have high expectations of the programs and are thrilled to take part in activities that are organized by the festival committees. Unfortunately, the 2014 Sunrise Festival was cancelled due to a tragic accident that took place a month ago, leaving some students slightly disappointed. For the freshmen who have never experienced the taste of the festival, we have prepared some of the interesting aspects of the past festivals from 2010 to 2013.
Let us travel back in time, all the way to the 2010 Sunrise Festival. One of the most intriguing programs of all was the one called “Kraze Burger”, a unique burger-eating contest where the fastest eater was sorted out. Several Postechians actively participated in this contest, determined to find out their stomach capacity and also to grab some free burgers. This contest further entertained the crowd who were mostly astonished by the speed of burgers “melting away” in the competitors’ mouth. Moreover, International pub (iPub), hosted by DICE, was extremely successful. Representatives from eight countries (Austria, Burkina Faso, China, France, Germany, Iran, Ukraine and Vietnam) served their exotic traditional dishes. Even though it was only the third year of iPub’s participation, excellent marketing strategies as well as perfect choice of traditional foods attracted many Postechians. The guest invited that year was IU, who is now one of the most popular female singers.
The theme of the festival in 2011 was “Kwal, Kwal, Kwal” which means “gushing” in Korean; it was meant for Postechians to enjoy the festival with gushing fun. The theme was, no doubt, a perfect fit for the 2011 Sunrise Festival. Coincidentally, it rained rather heavily throughout the festival period and it had to be relocated from Jigok Community Center to the Student Union Building. Furthermore, exhilarating programs were organized by the new committees to decorate the festival as a whole. A contest of dishes to relieve hangovers, “I Am a Chef”, was held in the afternoon. Postechians grouped into teams, cooked their own unique, attractive, and scrumptious dishes out of different ingredients and were assessed by a French panelist. It was definitely successful, shown by high participation rate as well as for being a site of attraction where both participants and non-participants stomped their feet repeatedly awaiting for the outcome of the contest. A program called “Angry Birds POSTECH version” also caught many students’ attention.
In 2012, a program called “Water Drain” was extremely popular; participants were given tanks and had to drain water out from theirs into their neighbors’ using their hands. It was the perfect way for participants to escape from the scorching sun. There was also a “rafting” program at the Jigok pond. Teams had to row all the way to the opposite side of the pond without getting wet.