▲ The curriculum of CME
As POSTECH changed its identity from a research-based university to the value-creating university, the importance of entrepreneurship gets bigger and bigger. There is an expectation that the Combined Major in Entrepreneurship (CME) will educate and inspire Postechians’ entrepreneurship. However, the number of students who have enrolled in the program is only three until now.
CME was established in 2015. CME was basically designed to convert students’ ideas to real products through product exploration, business planning, research development and value chains of foundation. To complete CME, students must achieve 21 credits in subjects associated with CME. Subjects can be divided into Mind Set & Foundation (part1) and Business Planning (part2) and established by IME, CiTE, HSS and Entrepreneurship Center. Furthermore, the students should participate in Capstone Design (part3) or related research. To expand students’ experience, CME has cooperated with foundation biosphere in POSTECH such as AGIT or APGC center. After POSTECH was designated as a value-creating university, CME developed further. The Entrepreneurship Seminar was divided into two courses, several Capstone Design projects were modified and optional subjects like Design Thinking were added into the curriculum. Kim Yeong-chae (EEE 15), a student who is getting ready for CME, mentioned the reasons he enrolled in CME, the main benefits that students can acquire from the program, and why participation in CME is so low.
Q. How did you first know about CME? Why did you apply for CME?
I first became aware of CME thorough posters attached on various buildings. However, that was not the reason that I applied for CME. During Business Model Studio lecture, Professor Sohn Young-woo (CiTE) introduced to CME in detail. I realized that if I finish CME, there will be subjects that are automatically accepted as major credits. There were also subjects that attract me, so I applied for CME.
Q. What are the benefits of CME?
There are two main benefits. First, networking. The number of students at POSTECH is far below that of any other universities. Moreover, the rate of students who want to found a start-up company is also low. For these reasons, it is hard to interact with students who are interested in foundation in POSTECH. However, in CME, I could find those friends easily and communicate with them more actively. Secondly, practical experience. In many lectures in POSTECH, courses usually deal with theoretical parts of technology. However, I could learn how to manufacture a prototype by myself during CME.
Q. What is the reason that CME has showed low participation?
I thought it is because the way promotion of the program is limited. The posters, oral marketing by professors, or through seminars is the only channel that CME is promoted. To successfully publicize CME, it is important to diversify promotions.
The burden of assignments is another reason. Usually, Postechians have various tasks like reports, quizzes, and group exercises. It is almost impossible to graduate in four years if a student takes CME. Therefore, students avoid another burden like CME, especially if there is not any incentives.
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