From Jan. 30 to Feb. 2, The Postech Times visited Singapore to exchange with Singapore’s prestigious universities and experience Singapore’s culture. We visited the National University of Singapore (NUS), one of the best universities in the world and ranked as the best university in Asia. Fortunately, The Postech Times was able to contact Professor Kim Sang-ho, Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME). Prof. Kim, after his Ph.D., has been in NUS’s Department of BME since 2007. Prof. Kim teaches bio-fluid mechanics, and his research is focused towards fluid mechanics.
When asked about why he chose to become a professor, he mentioned his passion for teaching. According to Prof. Kim, in NUS, the classes are scheduled to be three hours of lecturing and then another three hours of tutoring, each hour for each of his three subclasses. Prof. Kim commented that he likes his tutoring time where students ask questions freely. He also claims that he enjoys the teaching aspect of research; solving problems in research projects by interacting with his Ph.D. students and teaching them how to conduct research. Prof. Kim gave The Postech Times insight into NUS. He explicated on how his and the school's perspective of bioengineering suits each other. Prof. Kim claimed NUS values basic science and puts it before application and that this atmosphere reminds him, as an engineer who collaborates in the field of engineering and medical science, a crucial point; to not overlook the importance of basic science.
Prof. Kim introduced the unique system of how labs are organized in NUS. The BME department has a system called research clusters. The research cluster is a lab designated to each field, but with no separation between labs. Clusters are placed and connected so that collaboration between different labs is much easier. Prof. Kim also introduced the “track” system. In NUS, even students in the same department take different classes determined by their tracks such as job paths, engineering design paths, and research paths. He claims that this way, students are more confident and specialized in their careers.
Prof. Kim advised Postechians to be more pro-active in whatever they are pursuing. He claims that students of NUS are very eager to utilize the resources they are given; research programs, interns, etc. He also insisted that putting oneself outside their comfort zone is crucial. He said “human networks do not form with you doing nothing. Experiment, in various ways.”