When I was a high school student, I had a plan for my life that I would enter a university in Seoul, enjoy a Seoul life for four years, come back to Busan, my hometown, and spend the rest of my life there. I assumed I would have hated Seoul since there are too many people and they are all busy. Though, I knew what Seoul life meant. There would be more than I had experienced for 19 years: many cultural events, different people with different backgrounds, various opportunities, and so on.But, fortunately and unfortunately, I entered POSTECH, which means I have to spend at least four years in Poh
Opinion | Reporter Kim Su-min | 2019-09-05 19:21
There are about 152 leaders in POSTECH: 15 Steering Committee members, 11 student presidents from each dept, 3 leaders of Advisory Committees, 9 representatives of dorms, 47 club leaders, about 30 class leaders (assuming that they perform their roles for two years), about 33 department representatives (assuming that there are three representatives each for the first grade, the second grade, and over-third grade for each department), 4 leaders of press organizations and others. In simple calculation with the fixed number of students (1280), 11.88% of Postechians are leaders each year, and the c
Campus | Reporter Kim Su-min | 2019-04-24 13:19
All POSTECH members were cordially invited to the 2019 Matriculation Ceremony held on Feb. 15. On that day, 317 freshmen (B.S.) started their new academic journey at POSTECH. About 1,000 people including freshmen, their parents, and other guests gathered at the school auditorium.Before the ceremony, all new Postechians gathered outside the auditorium in academic regalia, and entered into the auditorium following the department flag bearers. After them, distinguished guests marched in order of mace, faculty, guests, and President Kim Doh-Yeon. At 11 A.M., the opening of the ceremony was officia
Headlines | Reporter Kim Su-min | 2019-02-28 02:52
Professor Kim Chul-hong (CiTE), Park Sa-ra (CiTE, Ph.D. Candidate), Professor Jeong Unyong (MSE), and Park Gyeong-bae (MSE, Ph.D. Integrated) have developed Bi2SE3 nanoplate photoacoustic contrast agent at a wavelength of 1064nm. With this nanoplate, it is possible to observe deep inside the body, which was difficult to see through photoacoustic imaging. The study was published on the cover of Nanoscale, an international journal. The research team developed Bi2SE3, a nanoplate contrast agent. When placed between the tissues to be observed, it helps to visualize the image similar to a contrast
News | Reporter Kim Su-min | 2018-12-12 13:40