As new administration launches, Korea proposed new economic paradigm, the Creative Economy, then Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) was established. The creative economy is more advanced form of innovation economy. It is defined as an economy where creativity becomes more important than effort, and thus innovation becomes easier. So, the gist of the creative economy is, to support raising venture business in which individuals realize their creativity. Hence, MSIP hosted “Korea Science and ICT Conference 2013” in Coex, Seoul, during May 21st to 22nd treating the subjects RISE:
Feature | Reporter Park Seo-kyung | 2013-06-05 19:02
On May 5, 6, and 10, disaster preparedness drills, hosted by Central Safety Management Committee and National Emergency Management to enhance the nation’s capability of disaster counter measure and to foster safety consciousness, were performed with people and disaster management organizations, including the central administrative agency, local government, and public institutions. This year 20, 474 organizations participated.On three days, each drill was practiced under specific scenarios that involve typhoon, infectious disease, and conf- lagration. The preparedness drills on the first day fo
News | Reporter Park Seo-kyung | 2013-05-22 04:33
Postechians learn the concept of volunteer work through many activities, from the volunteering in freshmen orientation to various off-campus volunteering activities and university volunteer groups. Based on the different attributes of volunteering, such as when they volunteer, characteristics of members, and type of work, there are many volunteer groups in POSTECH, but in the sight of outside, they seem to do similar activities. Then, are these volunteer groups operated well?There are four existing volunteer groups “GachiBaeum”, “Beautiful class”, “RC volunteer group”, and “Dasom”. Additionall
Campus | Reporter Park Seo-kyung | 2013-05-22 04:29
On Apr. 18, the President of Korea National University of Art, Park Jongwon, was invited to POSTECH to give special lectures. Embracing the lecture that KNUA President Park gave, The Postech Times asked him how art and science affect each other. His response is as below.Techne“In the Greek period, there was the word Techne, which embraced medicine, rhetoric, technology, math, art, and science. Science and art had passed the middle age and renaissance period together, but suddenly science steeply developed. After the Industrial Revolution, science has lead daily life, and art has kept a critica
Feature | Reporter Park Seo-kyung | 2013-05-01 23:58
Why did you select Japan to study?Stud : In engineering field, America may lead the theoretical phase, but technical phase are definitely leaded by Japan. In addition, when students enroll in graduate course in Korea, they have to do underworks of the professor. However, generally in Japan, each laboratory are consisted of four to five people : one professor, few associate professors, one assistant, and a secretary. So secretary or assistant treats the underworks, and students can concentrate their whole mind upon study without any other disturbance. I heard that if someone wants to research,
Feature | Reporter Park Seo-kyung | 2013-03-06 19:15