기사 (1건) 리스트형 웹진형 타일형 POSTECH GSAI Aims to Be One of the Top AI Graduate Schools in the World POSTECH GSAI Aims to Be One of the Top AI Graduate Schools in the World IntroductionHello, I am Professor Young-Joo Suh, currently dean of Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence (GSAI), head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and director of POSTECH Institute of Artificial Intelligence (PIAI). Research at the GSAI and PIAIThe Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and the Institute of Artificial Intelligence are not only similar in name but are also twin institutions in charge of AI education and research. Talented graduate students have been matriculated at the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence since it opened in Nov. 2019. Throug Opinion | Professor Young-Joo Suh | 2021-09-05 23:14 처음처음1끝끝