Controversial Complaints on Policies of Graduates’ Dormitories
Controversial Complaints on Policies of Graduates’ Dormitories
  • Reporter Gwak Jun-ho
  • 승인 2017.02.10 19:50
  • 댓글 0
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Until recently, there had been two major complaints on the living policies among graduate students about their dormitories (graduates’ apartments). The complaints were firstly suggested on the last Dec. 12 anonymously by a graduate student on POSTECH lounge of POVIS. Two major complaints were about separating men and women floor and restricting the number of inhabitants as two per room. The student who put forward the controversy claimed that while the graduates’ dormitories were called ‘apartments,’ separating men and women’s floors would cause unbalance of population density between them, causing shortage of rooms in an extreme case. Also, the student advocated three people per room policy so that fixed room and utility price can be distributed among more number of students. The complaints gained consent among many other students and eventually rendered discussion among the management team of dormitories. The official announcement came out on Jan. 16. The complaints were both rejected, that separating women and men’s floors would aid creating appropriate studying environment. Also, the management team of dormitories reasoned that leaving the number of students per room as according to students’ need could cause problems of inconsistency and difficulty with applying rules.