Well-known but Unknown Functions of Websites and Application Provided by POSTECH
Well-known but Unknown Functions of Websites and Application Provided by POSTECH
  • Reporter Lee Sang-hui
  • 승인 2016.05.04 16:57
  • 댓글 0
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Postechians face various situations during school years. They often eat meal at school restaurant, use shuttle bus, register courses, reserve places for any activities, etc. There are some mobile applications and websites helping students have comfortable school life. But many people don’t know about websites and their functions in detail. Here are some websites and applications that are useful and have unknown functions to Postechians.
First of all, about phone applications, Posroid and In-Po-Stack made by developers’ network of POSTECH, PoApper, are most famous. These two applications offer similar services but there are few differences. Both services provide school newsletter, school restaurant’s menu and contact number of delivery food. Notably, timetable of campus shuttle bus is offered in In-Po-Stack. Posroid offers similar services but has academic calendar, information about discount on restaurants near school, and menu of professor restaurant.
About websites, POVIS is well known, and provides most common things related to university life. POVIS is an acronym for POSTECH Vision Information System. It offers course registration system, school mail system, and LMS (Learning Management System). Some functions of POVIS are unfamiliar to Postechians especially to freshmen. First one is graduation simulation, in academic affairs category. Just by three clicks, students can obtain the information about how much credits they have taken, and how much they should take for graduation. Secondly, place reservation is requested through POVIS in work area category. POSCO International Center, auditorium and sports facilities such as racquetball, futsal stadium are bookable. In addition, in groupware category there is a message board for carpool. People upload their time plan and look around for people who can ride together.
Other websites are also useful but mostly unknown. Introducing some of them, HEMOS (http://hemos.postech.ac.kr) is Even More Open System. It distributes charged software like Photoshop, Visual Studio, Illustrator, InDesign, MATLAP, etc. to school members. In POSTECH pictures (http://www.flickr.com/photos/postechimage), pictures of events at POSTECH have been consistently uploaded since March, 2010. Idisk (http://idisk.postech.ac.kr) is kind of web hard that has the capacity of 1000 megabytes. Lastly, LEMONS (http://lemons.poapper.com) made by PoApper is POSTECH lecture evaluation and simulation service. Students can simulate their timetable and evaluate established subjects. They can also make their preliminary timetables before course registration by using LEMONS.