2016 POSTECH - The Flagship Leading Korean Academia and Research
2016 POSTECH - The Flagship Leading Korean Academia and Research
  • Doh-Yeon Kim
  • 승인 2016.01.01 00:06
  • 댓글 0
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New Year's Message
Dear colleagues and respected members of POSTECH,
The year 2016 has arrived. I would like to convey my best wishes for the fulfillment of your dreams and resolutions this year.
It is my pleasure to humbly note that POSTECH was widely recognized for its excellence amid a number of obstacles in the previous year. Our university was not only evaluated as Korea’s top ranked university with the most potential in Asia, but also internationally praised for its outstanding achievements in various fields. We were able to accomplish such outcomes thanks to the constant efforts made by our students, professors, researchers, and staff members.  I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all your hard work and commitment.
We should be rightly proud of our astonishing achievements considering our short history. Our members’ strong affection toward the university shines brightly as POSTECH’s academic and research achievements are impeccable compared to that of any other university. POSTECH will advance the world as long as we promote internal innovation and growth through cooperation, trust, and collective wisdom.
This year is meaningful as POSTECH will be celebrating its 30th anniversary. Confucius referred to his age of 30 as 'Irip (而立)', which means establishment and self-reliance. Upon reaching the age of 30, he established a firm will, enabling him to focus on his goal and not falter. In the coming year, we too, will devote ourselves to the goal we have set, keeping our founding tenets in mind. POSTECH’s generational mission is to take on the responsibility as a flagship that will lead academia and research of the nation’s higher education with openness and a challenging spirit.
This year, we will begin the next chapter of POSTECH. I wish for us to take a big leap forward, carrying the treasured experiences of the past 30 years as our foundation. We must educate our students to be leaders equipped with intelligence and consideration for others. We will also take on the task of recruiting more outstanding faculty whose new ideas and brilliance will enhance our university’s excellence. I ask all of you to actively participate in contributing to the development of the region and make our nation proud by maximizing POSTECH’s exceptional capabilities.
With our fellow Postechians aiming for harmony, respecting each other, actively communicating based on trust, and creating an open and cooperative culture, I believe a brighter future awaits us.
May the year 2016 light up the future with creativity, passion, and daring challenges. May the New Year bring each of us and our families an abundance of health and happiness. Happy New Year!

January 1, 2016

Doh-Yeon Kim
President of POSTECH