POSTECH Suggests the Method of Overcoming Decoherence Beyond the Markov Process
POSTECH Suggests the Method of Overcoming Decoherence Beyond the Markov Process
  • Reporter Park Min-young
  • 승인 2014.10.15 07:49
  • 댓글 0
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The Markov Process explains that the future is only concerned about a particular time in the present. It is difficult to use theories of quantum systems in our daily lives, but the team of Professor Yoon-Ho Kim (PHYS) and Jong-Chan Lee (PHYS M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated candidate) discovered a method of suppressing this process.
To realize quantum information technology, a quantum system’s coherence should be protected. However, as a quantum system interacts with its surroundings, decoherence occurs. This is known as obstacles of quantum entanglement which realizes quantum information technology.
The research team found the method to protect quantum entanglement from decoherence. Even without the information of decoherence, it can be suppressed.  Therefore, this method is expected to be used in quantum calculation and communication.
Prof. Kim said, “Quantum information technology is beginning but it has a possibility to change the paradigm of information society. Through this research, we can suppress the decoherence more effectively”.