POSTECH MSE Students Progress to the POSTECH-TOHOKU Exchange Program
POSTECH MSE Students Progress to the POSTECH-TOHOKU Exchange Program
  • Reporter Park Min-young
  • 승인 2014.10.15 07:47
  • 댓글 0
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During Sep. 26-28, POSTECH MSE students visited Sendai, Japan for POSTECH-TOHOKU exchange program. This exchange program is held every year in Pohang or Sendai (on alternating years). This year it was held in Sendai and 20 MSE students took part in the program.
Both Postechians and TOHOKU’s students prepared presentations for one of three categories: research, cultural, and P&D (Presentation & Discussion). On the first day, students met with each other and presented their contents in English at TOHOKU University.
On the second day, students experienced Japanese culture at Ishinomaki Mangattan Museum and toured the ocean there with Japanese students’ guidance. They also sample Japanese specialties such as Sushi, Ramen, and Sake.
For students of both countries this program is a good opportunity to share academic information about materials and find future research colleagues. In addition, it was a chance to explore Japanese culture and improve English conversation skills.