Cooling the Summer Heat with Music
Cooling the Summer Heat with Music
  • Reporter Chung Yu-sun
  • 승인 2014.09.03 19:05
  • 댓글 0
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On Jul. 6, the POSTECH Summer Classical Concert was held in the POSTECH Auditorium. This concert was conducted by Nanse Gum and performed by New World Philharmonic Orchestra (also known as Euro-Asian Philharmonic Orchestra) in colla- boration with Pianist Yung Wook Yoo. For five consecutive summers, Conductor Gum has performed at POSTECH. The concert is part of the Maestro Nanse Gum Cultural Program and was sponsored by KISWIRE.
Though the concert started at 5 P.M., the auditorium was filled thirty minutes beforehand. Not only Postechians, but all citizens of Pohang were welcome to attend. The concert began with Conductor Gum greeting the audience with his humor and advising about concert etiquette. He also gave a brief introduction to each piece of music. The representative pieces were Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No.2 in C Minor, and Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No.9 in E minor Op.95 “New World”.