Asking the Basics: Why is it Important to Communicate Effectively?
Asking the Basics: Why is it Important to Communicate Effectively?
  • Reporter Chung Yu-sun
  • 승인 2014.05.21 15:05
  • 댓글 0
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Communication is the basic component required in the interaction among people, especially at work or in a relationship. This is a fact that everyone acknowledges. However, nobody really discusses its importance. We only vaguely know that lack of communication can cause misunde- rstandings. Communication is a means in which we can enhance the effect of collaboration, discovery, and relationships.
With effective communication, it is easier to collaborate, which can also lead to more significant discoveries. One reason is due to efficient action. When a team poorly communicates with one another, there are bound to be misinterpretations. As it takes time to stop the project and correct the problem, time is wasted. Effective comm- unication can cut down time lost during collaboration. Moreover, communication encourages dynamic change. In the case of a team project, each member can feel confident that their opinions will be heard and thus contribute with more enthusiasm. In a bigger-scaled ‘teamwork’, such as conferences, communication can cause dynamic change because it keeps each team up to date about the evolving workplace. For example in a science conference, it is important to share information so that scientists can elaborate on current research rather than “discovering” what has already been discovered. The cases above indicate collaboration between work partners. However, collaboration can also occur between vertical statues, such as a firm and its customers or a university and its students. The most well-known case would be the act of receiving feedback. By doing so, a company would be able to become more responsive to the customers, improve its service and/or product, foster innovation, and gain the trust of the customers. In return, the customers would be provided with better services and products. As a result, effective communication can enhance collaboration among people.
Human beings are generally gregarious, social creatures. Due to our innate nature, it is necessary to interact with each other. Through effective communication, we can improve our relationships with others, including friends and families, rather than destroying them. It is generally noted that those with stronger social relationships tend to be happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer. Communicating with others helps us relieve our stress (through counseling and feedback) and feel attachment and affection. In cases in which we either need help or give aid, both sides feel good about themselves as they feel self-worthy. Some advice for communication in interpersonal relationships is to stay focused on the conversation, listen carefully, put oneself in the opponent’s shoes, and be honest.