The Most Silent Period in POSTECH: Heated Concentration
The Most Silent Period in POSTECH: Heated Concentration
  • Reporter Lee Ji-a
  • 승인 2014.04.30 17:51
  • 댓글 0
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POSTECH has two official exam periods every semester for a week. The first exam period for the year 2014 was on Apr. 21-25. Every freshman took all exams in the week because the core curriculum classes such as General Life Science, General Chemistry (H), General Physics I and Calculus were all concentrated during this period. Other upper classmen also took exams during this period because this period marks the half way point of the semester. Due to the enthusiasm of Postechians to achieve good grades, all floors of Tae-Joon Park Digital Library were filled with students. Since the freshmen entered POSTECH, it was the most silent week.