Proud Works of Korean Mathematicians
Proud Works of Korean Mathematicians
  • Reporter Choi Na-youn
  • 승인 2014.03.19 14:27
  • 댓글 0
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Professor Yong-Geun Oh (MATH) announced the thesis on his achievements, “Floer homology in symplectic topology and in mirror sym- metry”, in the third monograph of Current Works of Korean Mathematicians of Trends and Issues of Academic Research in Korea, recently published by the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea. The co-authors of the thesis were selected among Korean mathematicians according to high citation degrees in MathSciNet.
The monograph explains how the chain level Floer theory leads to the C0 symplectic invariants of Hamilton flows and to the study of topological Hamilton dynamics in the closed string, meanwhile showing how Floer’s original construction of Lagrange intersection Floer homology is obstructed as soon as one gets out of the category of exact Lagrange submanifolds in the open string. Also, how this assumption can be applied to the research of the topology of Lagrange embedding.
It is expected to inform the public about achievements of Korean mathematicians in Korea and abroad with the establishment of 2014 as Korea Math year by the Korean Mathematical Society.