POSTECH Provides the Most Funds to Researchers
POSTECH Provides the Most Funds to Researchers
  • Reporter Lee Ji-a
  • 승인 2014.03.05 16:51
  • 댓글 0
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POSTECH overwhelmingly ranks first place among Korean universities in research funding, providing 596 million KRW per professor according to a report from the National Research Foundation of Korea. Research funds per person is a more important standard to know than total research funds because total funds do not consider the number of researchers in a team. All universities specified to science and engineering rank in the top five, following POSTECH is KAIST (390 million KRW), GIST (319 million KRW), UNIST (217 million KRW) and DGIST (214 million KRW). Research funds per professor are the result of total research funds divided by the number of professors. (The total research fund is the sum of support by the government, private interests, local government and the university for 2012 Jan.-Dec.) Although Seoul National University (SNU) ranks first place for total research funds, the number of researchers is over eight times more than POSTECH so SNU ranks sixth in research funds per person.
It shows that POSTECH focuses on research, and in POSTECH, professors can concentrate on only research. It relates to deep and great research, resulting in high quality theses. Although the absolute total quantity is small because of the relatively small number of people, POSTECH ranks second in the number of theses per person (1.40). The rate of theses published in major international journals is around 88 percent. The total theses are the sum of the theses published in domestic journals, major international journals, and minor inter- national journals (domestic-KCI, major-SCI/ SCOPUS and minor-except SCI/SCOPUS). SNU (at 68.0%) and Sungkyunkwan Univ- ersity (at 67.5%) rank second and third among Korean universities in this category.  Posting to major journals means that the world pays attention to the theses and the theses will be a hallmark in the field.