Announcement of ‘Top 5 bio-related achievements and news’
Announcement of ‘Top 5 bio-related achievements and news’
  • Reporter Chung Sung-joon
  • 승인 2014.02.14 22:35
  • 댓글 0
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Researchers of Life Sciences have appointed the ‘Top 5 bio-related achie- vements and news’ in Korea, as reported by POSTECH Biological Research Information Center (BRIC) on Dec 18.
BRIC collates a collection of bio-related information, analyzing and organizing them in a database available to all researchers, ultimately promoting competition in terms of quality and number of research done in Korea.
BRIC has been announcing the top 10 news regarding the field of Life Sciences via surveys done by biologists in Korea since 2003, but the selection criteria has expanded to both news and achievements from 2011 onwards. Since then, only the top five cases have been selected annually.
Approximately 503 researchers were involved in deciding a total of 20 cases: bio-related news (5), research outcomes with high academic quality (5), socially and economically influential achievements (5), as well as discoveries that have had a large impact on the field of medicine (5). These cases were selected after a thorough and careful discussion based on the results in Science Online Survey website (SciON) from Dec 6-11.
Further information on the news and achievements are available on the BRIC website (