The Sunrise Festival From 1987 to 2013
The Sunrise Festival From 1987 to 2013
  • Reporter Park Seo-kyung
  • 승인 2013.06.05 19:05
  • 댓글 0
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Since 1987, the anniversary of the POSTECH, The Sunrise Festival has kept its status as POSTECH? representative festival. Because the history of POSTECH is quite brief, most students want to know our festival history. The Postech times interviewed three POSTECH alumnus professors, Prof. Sangmin Jeon (CE), Prof. Seong Jin Park (ME), and Prof. Kim, Byung-In (IME), asking about the festival in 1987 and the festival this year.
How was the festival of the first year?
Prof. Jeon: In that time the festival was proceeded between auditorium and Hogil Kim memorial hall. Even though there were few students in the first year, most members actively participated. Like dance stage now exists, in that time each department danced together like hustle dance. With POSTECH song festival, female attire contest, and discotecque in atlas hall, the most popular event was couples-only party in which  partners from other universities were invited.
Prof. Park:  The most rememberable event is the boat rental in Jigok pond. Unlike now, famous singers were rarely invited, and privately since I was movie enjoy club, we prepared movie screening. I think day booths were similar to nowadays. Alike this time, there was not much participation from outside.
Prof. Kim: SFC and Evata, the Christian clubs invited CCM team and performed gospel songs. Since the concept of the festival and performance were similar, each clubs prepared a booth. Night booths were not so tilted toward pub. In that time, marathon competition was also held and we sometimes dropped professors in the pond. Since that was first time, all members tried to enjoy the festival. To make first festival of POSTECH, we worked hard.
What’s your opinion about current festival? For further growth of festival, what’s should Postechians do?
Prof. Jeon: When I saw freshmen practicing dance in late night, I was so impressed that students prepared so much for festival, and I was sure that students became closer. But generally, it seems  the festival become individualized. Festival is exclusive property of university students, and undergraduate period is last time to enjoy the festival. The festival with programs that are memorable should be built to encourage many students to be active and participate.
Prof. Park: One pitiful point is that it seems the only students, who participate in the festival are those who prepared it. Even though professors go pub to support, participation of professors has decreased, because of busyness and decreased bond of sympathy. The festival should help build  relationships, and create intimacy and a sense of belonging. I think becoming intimate through the festival is main purpose of the festival. I hope our Sunrise Festival becomes field, where relationship is newly built between all members, including graduates, the staffs, and professors.
Prof. Kim: Since graduates and professors have classes even in the festival time, most of events are oriented toward undergraduates. Not only pub, inviting graduates, staffs, and professors to other events could be good method to increase participation. I wish to make festival as networking field, where everyone congenially enjoys, and members  get to know each other.