We Want to Take courses We Want, Not Just What is Available
We Want to Take courses We Want, Not Just What is Available
  • Reporter Park Tae-yoon
  • 승인 2012.12.05 18:33
  • 댓글 0
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Many Postechians started registering for courses for next semester on Nov. 26. Each student established a strategy to register for a favorite course. As one student of many Postechians, I made out a schedule for next semester. However, I ran into difficulty because I could not take liberal arts that I wanted after I scheduled required subjects in next semester. The remainder of liberal arts did not satisfy my curiosity to learn. When I tried to register for courses that fit my schedule, I couldn’t register because the classes were filled to capacity. Most liberal arts classes are at full capacity.
Of course, I do not mean that liberal arts courses I didn’t want are not beneficial, but we need a system that allows us to choose more classes we want. Regardless many Postechians register for what is available, not what they want. Allowing students to take courses they are interested in should be taken more seriously, especially considering POSTECH’s goal to educate highly-qualified, creative individuals to be leaders for the development of human society by providing students with a holistic education. In addition, many students want to learn many things as well as scientific and technological knowledge through various classes. Recognizing the significance of liberal arts, POSTECH has had the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences since its establishment, but Postechians are still hungry.
Vision of POSTECH is below: POSTECH will be a great place for learning where inspired students can learn from inspiring professors and also an outstanding research institution where faculty, students and graduates pioneer and lead the science and technology fields and discover solutions to the world’s most serious challenges through innovation and collaboration.
Considering this enormous vision, Postechians should have more opportunities to take classes they consider inspiring. This enrollment time made students who could not register for various courses in POSTECH feel something wanting.