Efforts of POSTECH to Refresh, Go forward, and Advance Upward
Efforts of POSTECH to Refresh, Go forward, and Advance Upward
  • Reporter Park Tae-yoon
  • 승인 2011.11.23 18:59
  • 댓글 0
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Kim Sung-hwan (CSE ’08) and Yu Taek-geun (EE ’10) were elected as the president and a vice president of the student union. Park Eun-bin (Life ’10) and Kwon Dong-eop (EE ’10) became the new female student representative and new dormitory representative, respectively.

The election for the new 2012 representatives was held on Nov. 4. Undergraduates casted votes on candidates of the head of organizations including student union, female student union, and  dormitory union. Two applicants of the head of student union were a joint candidacy. Therefore, as the applicant of each department was the sole candidate, board of elections called for the yeas and nays. Students could take a vote in the student union building and Jigok community center at 7:30 A.M to 10:00 P.M and the votes were counted in Oasis.

In result, all candidates were elected for the respective office. Kim Sung-hwan and Yu Taek-geun won 84.19 percent of the ballot, which are 759 votes, with 59.95 percent turnout, in total. Park Eun-bin got 92.05 percent as well, and its total participants were 151 votes, 70.56 percent of the total female voter. On the other hand, Kwon was also approved as the dormitory representative, obtaining 86.95 percent of support.

Kim Sung-hwan and Yu Taek-geun promised to refresh the slight to the momentous, such as welfare, culture, and communication with the motto ‘Refresh’. Park Eun-bin emphasized ‘3GO’ (3 Girl’s Opinions), and that she would exert herself to make a safe, interesting, evolving female student union and to represent opinions of female undergraduates. Kwon Dong-eop made ‘Up as his motto, so he was committed to improve dormitory environments by expanding support of local activities.

After election, Park Eun-bin as new president of female student union, said, “As most female students believed in me, I will do my best for female Postechian during 2012.”