Science War, Behind the Scenes
Science War, Behind the Scenes
  • Reporter Jung Han-kyu
  • 승인 2011.09.28 15:41
  • 댓글 0
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The electrifying thrill that the Postechians felt after winning the basketball game at the Science War still remains even after several days have passed. It was unforeseeable who was going to win literally until the very last second. However, very poor organization and lack of preparation from the KAIST preparation committee made everyone frown.

Praise is due for the diligent work of POSTECH’s preparation committee. Such a dramatic success would not have been possible without their hard work both by day and night for the past three months.

The committee consists of a group of students who spend their own time to plan out and fine-tune the entire event voluntarily. It is reasonably fair to credit both committees for their industrious effort. However, the preparation by the home team’s committee was far from admirable.

They made confusing announcements, if any announcements at all, delayed the Starcraft game by over an hour for not having the equipment set up in advance, and detracted the fun from the beer party by failing to distribute the beer smoothly and quickly.

It is natural to take advantage of being the home team, but it was somewhat excessive. All sporting events were set up in their favor such as the position of the supporters and equipment. During the final event, basketball, they kept using the main speakers on the court-floor, which both sides agreed not to use for they might affect the game. In spite of the agreement, KAIST kept on using them. As though it were insufficient, they covered up the voices of our supporters by turning on their fight song every time POSTECH began their cheer.

It naturally upset the POSTECH prep committee because basic needs such as computers for the Starcraft game were not prepared. They were dumbfounded when the KAIST’s prep committee complained instead for not being prepared.

Thankfully, the Science War ended with POSTECH’s continued winning streak. Even though the POSTECH prep committee’s resentment for such unfair treatment cannot be compensated by an instant delight of victory, I think it is very meaningful in that POSTECH still stood victorious after all in both scenes.