POSTECH, Home to Korean Media Lab
POSTECH, Home to Korean Media Lab
  • Reporter Jung Han-kyu
  • 승인 2011.09.06 13:17
  • 댓글 0
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POSTECH’s research, SUNY’s humanities come together

POSTECH will now house a media lab, which is devoted to research projects at the convergence of design, multimedia, and technology. Because its values were well-proven by MIT Media Lab, people are excited to see the innovative influence it will bring.

As part of its ‘Finest IT Talent Nurture’ program, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy selected POSTECH-State University of New York in Korea (SUNY Korea) on Jul. 6. In this national undertaking, a media lab and yearly financial support of 17 billion KRW will be provided.

Just like the MIT Media Lab, it is expected to become the Mecca of raising creative, talented leaders of the future IT. Many experts say that POSTECH’s long term research experiences and SUNY-Korea’s humanities and English education played a huge role in selection.

Accordingly, POSTECH has established  the Department of Creative IT Excellence Engineering to accept students starting in 2012. It boasts distinguished curriculum based on hands-on experience, one-on-one customized education, and humanities focused English lectures. The three-year undergraduate program will have a quota of 20 students, and the three-year integrated graduate program will admit 30 students. The admitted students will receive a full scholarship, which covers the tuition, full boards, and other living expenses. Also, the graduate will be awarded a POSTECH-SUNY dual degree.

POSTECH former President Sunggi Baik said, “The new degree will introduce differentiated education and research system built from years of know-how in elitist education of the selected few.” He also added that, “it will raise world class talents well qualified in IT fields, and attract gifted scholars around the world like the MIT Media Lab.”