RC Volunteers Hold Sports Day at POSTECH
RC Volunteers Hold Sports Day at POSTECH
  • Reporter Lee Suh-young
  • 승인 2011.05.18 20:59
  • 댓글 0
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▲ Kids enjoying a group jump-rope contest
On May 10, the Residential College (RC) Volunteers held a sports day at the POSTECH Gymnasium. The RC Volunteers were organized in 2009 in order to implant the idea of social contribution to Postechians. Every Friday, they do voluntary service helping elementary and middle school students study at local children’s centers.

Also, RC Volunteers hold an annual children’s sports day celebrating Children’s Day. This year, 25 Postechians, including student group Cheero members, participated in the event. 90 children from three local centers were invited to POSTECH, and played several sports activities that the children could enjoy such as tug-of-war, a group jump-rope contest, a relay race, and many other events. Between the activities, Cheero showed a stage performance and invited children also brightened up the stage showing with a talent show prepared beforehand.

Kim Jun (LIFE, 08) said, “The event was a little delayed due to bad weather. I hope that children enjoyed the sports day.”

RC Volunteers recruits new members every semester through POVIS, Posb, and RC announcements and any Postechian, not only RC residents, can apply.