SK Energy CEO’s Lecture in Memory of Hogil Kim
SK Energy CEO’s Lecture in Memory of Hogil Kim
  • Reporter Kim Sung-hwan
  • 승인 2010.05.05 14:35
  • 댓글 0
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▲ Koo Ja-young, 
    SK Energy CEO 
On Apr. 29, Koo Ja-young, the chief executive officer (CEO) of SK Energy, delivered a lecture titled Leadership of Successful 30’s. With the renowned lecturer, room 133 of the Information Building was filled with an audience who came to learn the road to success, including people from the community surrounding the campus.

The lecturer is a graduate of Seoul National University class of 72’, the same class as that of the current president of POSTECH, Sunggi Baik. As an indication of their relationship, the president came to lecture room 133 and audited the lecture.

As the memorial of Kim Ho-gil, the first president of POSTECH, was approaching soon, Koo began the lecture with his personal stories of the former president, but with humor to avert the discouragement of atmosphere.

The message of the lecture was that youths should always be prepared, for success does not come abruptly. In their 20’s and 30’s, youths should be CEOs, chief energy officers who manage energy effectively, which not only brings personal success but also the success of the organization he or she is in. And throughout the lecture, he suggested several key terms to act out and follow for the actualization of his thesis.

At the end of the lecture, different from ordinary courses, a burst of questions followed expressing expectations to learn even more of Koo’s knowledge and attitude. The hope that more of these lectures by socially renowned people can be offered in the future is foreseen.