POSTECH Microscope: Change-Over to Offline Freshmen Orientation
POSTECH Microscope: Change-Over to Offline Freshmen Orientation
  • Reporter Kim Jin-Seong
  • 승인 2023.02.17 22:13
  • 댓글 0
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Lee Kyung-Min, Chief of Freshmen OT
Lee Kyung-Min, Chief of Freshmen OT

 Introduction to Face-to-Face Freshmen Orientation.
 Hello, I am Lee Kyung-min, Chief of Freshmen OT. I oversee the Freshmen Orientation preparation. Freshmen Orientation (OT) not only provides information freshmen need to know about POSTECH and college life but also provides an opportunity to unite with their first classmates in college. All programs are conducted face-to-face, and club performances and POSCO tours that could not be conducted online are also held. I hope every freshman has a wonderful time during OT.
 For such a fun event, POSTECH needs a lot of people to prepare, plan an interesting itinerary and produce  necessary designs and videos. Those who prepare for the OT are the Advisory Committee for Freshmen Orientation. In 2023, the Advisory Committee consists of a Guide Team, a Stage Club Team, a Design Team, a Video Team, and three Planning Teams (Mission Tour, Ice Breaking, and Theme Game). In addition, as it is a school event, we are preparing for the event by communicating closely with each department of the school, including the administration team of Mueunjae School of Undergraduate Studies.

 What were the difficulties while preparing for the orientation?
 Of course, there were challenges as the three-year online OT changed into a face-to-face event. The most difficult thing was that only a few people had experienced face-to-face OT. In addition, many teachers in the school administration team were new to face-to-face OT, so the Advisory Committee had to look for past data of the event or even create new programs and activities. Since the number of freshmen has increased to 370, it was difficult to prepare suitable programs and find spaces to accommodate all of them.
 Previously, it was held in the International Conference Room of the POSCO International Center, but as the number of people increased to 370, the only place to accommodate all of them was the auditorium. As almost all events were held in the auditorium, there were many trials and errors in the process of setting up the stage and rehearsals. Also, it was the first time for the committee members to experience an offline OT. As the committee members are the most approachable seniors for freshmen, members also had lots of thoughts regarding what to advise during the preparation process.

 Will the next Advisory Committee go through the same difficulties?
 We are recording the process as we are going through it. I think the 2023 Advisory Committee for Freshmen Orientation’s role is to plant the seeds of the face-to-face OT and make a solid foundation. We should be able to make a solid foundation to pass down POSTECH’s culture smoothly.