POSTECH Microscope: the Financial Director of SFPC
POSTECH Microscope: the Financial Director of SFPC
  • Reporter Lee Jun-yong
  • 승인 2018.05.30 20:47
  • 댓글 0
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▲Han Sang-hyeon (MATH 17) worked as the financial director of SFPC
▲Han Sang-hyeon (MATH 17) worked as the financial director of SFPC

“Hello, I am Han Sang-hyeon, majoring in mathematics. I am the director of finance for this year’s Sunrise Festival Preparatory Committee (PCSF). I joined SGNN last year and learned how preparatory committees work. However, I felt that there is a limit to what you can learn from words, and I applied for the PCSF this year.”

“PCSF does a wide variety of work. We arrange all facilities, contact enterprises for the stage and stalls, and agencies for celebrities. Meanwhile, we plan our programs, such as the haunted house and room escape games. Decorating the campus for the festival is also our job, setting up banners and such. Finally, we restrict the traffic and operate booths during the festival. My job was to prepare the budget and execute it, while preparing for meals for the day. I also joined the planning team, preparing for the haunted house and room escape game.”
“A big problem was that we had only three weeks to prepare for the festival. We had deadlines for proposals, the evaluation meeting and the final rehearsal crashing at us after each week. However, things turned out exceptionally well, for everybody executed their skills and talent appropriately.

Another problem was caused by the official document related to the liquor tax law. It came just a week before the event, causing pandemonium amongst us. We agreed on a rather strict solution, for the Sunrise Festival of POSTECH was the first festival among all universities in Korea. We would be an example for other universities to refer, and there was a risk of inspection.

I personally think that the purpose of the official document was to create an alcohol-free festival. However, considering the fact that there weren’t any major accidents involving alcohol during the festival, I think a moderate amount of alcohol rather helps the festival become more enjoyable. It would have been easy for us, the PCSF and undergraduate association if we simply banned all alcohol sales throughout the festival, but we tried our best for the good of all. I want to send a word of apology to all the pubs and booth managers, who had to suffer due to the sudden announcement.”

“While I was working with people from the welfare office selling soju, I befriended them. I called them ‘jumjangnim’ as a joke, and they offered me to come over, promising they will treat me with delicious food. It was a heartwarming experience. Also, while I was doing traffic control, the campus police came over and we had a short conversation. He gave me his number, saying he will buy me a drink next time. I am planning to contact him soon.

There are many more memorable episodes, and since all members of the SFPC were great people, it was fun preparing for the festival. Especially, the planning team where I was associated had great chemistry each other. I am not sure if I will join another Preparation Committee, but I hope to see the members often.”